A Pandemic, Money Trauma & Anxiety, Oh My!
We are all adjusting to a new normal in the thick of COVID-19. I've been busy helping couples in quarantine adjust as well as working on maintaining my own self-care in the midst of so much uncertainty.
Upon lockdown in New York, I'll admit that I had a spiral of anxiety between scrolling social media & the news. Every time I looked at my phone, it looked like this...
I've had to reset, recenter, and push the "Block" button for my well-being.
For many, a common source of anxiety has been money matters! Money tends to be an emotional touchy topic for people in general.
Despite the extent that you've been impacted financially by this pandemic, your overall relationship with money is often highlighted in a crisis or unexpected transition.
The silver lining in all of this provides opportunity to get clarity on money baggage that you may have had pre-corona. Some people are suffering from financial trauma from losing income...while others are reeling from past financial trauma that was never resolved or healed.
What is financial trauma? Why is money so hard to talk about? What is financial infidelity?
Check out the latest episode Healing Financial Trauma of the "Ask Candy" podcast to hear me and Candice Harper Love Coach & Matchmaker chat about the in's and out's of talking money with your honey as well as some tips on how to start to manage any money baggage that you may be carrying around.
If you are experiencing financial anxiety, as so many are right now, you must take a LISTEN!
P.S. Feening for more? Make sure to grab my FREE special bonus of 3 TIPS to Manage Money Anxiety!!!